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7 Benefits of a Community Life for Seniors

A group of seniors conversing and laughing

Aging is a natural part of life, and as we grow older, the desire for companionship, a sense of belonging, and a fulfilling lifestyle only becomes more important. Community living provides seniors with an environment that supports not only their physical and emotional well-being but also their social and mental health.  At Bluff Park Estates, […]

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How To Make Friends as a Senior Citizen

As we age, the importance of maintaining friendships and creating new connections becomes increasingly significant to incorporate into a healthy, happy lifestyle. Developing new friendships as a senior citizen can have a profoundly positive impact on mental, emotional, and physical health. You can create meaningful connections and enrich your life by actively engaging in community […]

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How to Speed up Metabolism After 60

An animated illustration of a woman's metabolism level being monitored on a speedometer with a woman holding up an apple to show a healthy diet for seniors.

Retirement should be a time of relaxing and enjoying your favorite hobbies. But it’s important to find a good balance of slowing down while staying active because if you slow down too much, your health may suffer. For example, our metabolism generally begins slowing down around 30 and continues slowing down progressively. But if you […]

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When Is It Time To Move To Independent Living?

A mid=aged couple is enjoying a tender sweet moment indoors, standing and cuddling in front of their window in an independent living community.

Independent living is a type of lifestyle offered in many senior living communities. They’re designed with older adults in mind who wish to maintain their independence yet live a quality life.  The age requirement in independent living communities is typically adults 55 and over, who usually don’t require help with age-related needs, such as activities […]

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